Posted on 9/11/2017
Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Last week was again, very productive. Our shop is just about completely empty now. There's a counter, one computer (that I'm writing this on), two stools a folding table and one plastic chair, and that's it. We're working on our ninth year here at this location. So it's certainly odd to see it this empty. But in a couple of months, it will be full again and look even better! The restoration company is still here cleaning all of the items that can be cleaned and they will be here for at least the rest of the week. This week we hope to start construction. We are waiting for more approvals from our insurance, which we should have today or tomorrow. Thank you all for the continued support. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns. Paul is sitting by the phone waiting to help! Until next week, R.J. MilnesGeneral Manager ... read more
Posted on 9/5/2017
Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Here is this weeks update to you all. Last week we had the most productive week yet. Our equipment has been almost all been inventoried and lots of items have been thrown away. The shop is now nearly bare and some demolition should start sometime this week. The restoration crew is now cleaning all of the tools that are salvageable and they will start moving the rest of the things out into storage. It is kind of crazy to see this process happening first hand. We're are still here to answer any and all questions. Paul will still be answering the phones from home. So please feel free to give us a ring with anything you all may need. Until next week! R.J. MilnesGeneral ManagerD&K Auto Repair925-779-9242Fax 9 ... read more
Posted on 8/29/2017
Hello D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Another update from us here at D&K Automotive Repair. Last week we met with the restoration company and created a game plan to see how we are going to attack this project. The restoration company is first to come in and do inventory so the demo process can begin. Then we can start repairs to the building. TODAY THEY ARE HERE AND WORKING! They have started doing an inventory of all of the items we have here. Doug even found the first repair order that was ever created! I have to say that it is kind of cool to see how things have changed over the years. We can't be any more excited to have this project underway! Until next week. See you then! R.J. MilnesGeneral ManagerD&K Auto Repair925-779-9242Fax 925-778-8374
Posted on 8/23/2017
Hello again D&K Customers, Friends and Family, The contractor has been picked, and we have some approvals from the insurance companies involved. We found out yesterday that the restoration clean up crew can come in and start cleaning and evaluating the damaged equipment. This is the first step to get things underway. Today the contractor will be out with the restoration company to develop a game plan for how they are going to attack this project. We are excited to get this thing going of course! It looks like it will now be November 2017 for our Grand Opening. Thank you all again for your continued support. We truly can't express what it means to know that you all are behind us. Please feel free to give us any feedback or ideas to improve your experiences here at D&K. After all, it is your opinions and ideas that make us better at what we do. Thanks again, R.J. MilnesGeneral ManagerD&K Auto Repair ... read more
Posted on 8/15/2017
Hello D&K Customers, Friends and Family, Today was the day we have been looking forward to for close to a week. Today we were able to sit down with the building owner, his general contractor, Glenn Hoffman (our insurance broker) and our general contractor. It seems like the smoke is finally starting to clear and light is starting to peek through! It is now just a matter of picking the right contractor for the job. So we are hopeful that the actual work will start this coming Monday 8/21/17. That's great because we want to catch the solar eclipse...! Haha just kidding. We just want to get back to helping our customers as quickly as possible. So in short, not many changes for you guys. We will still be able to be reached by phone for any advice needed (just consider us your vehicles personal assistant). But we won't be here every day like we have been starting this Monday. I'm looking forward to giving you guys gr ... read more
Posted on 8/2/2017
Hello, everyone! As you may have heard, D&K Automotive Repair in Antioch, California suffered a fire late Friday, June 30th, while most of us were off for the July 4th holiday weekend. The fire was caused by a vehicle that was experiencing electrical problems, and it self-ignited after business hours. Fortunately, the fire damage did not completely devastate our shop. Still, there is considerable cleanup and new construction that needs to take place before we are back up and running. We had considered finding a temporary location to serve our clients’ vehicles, but we later decided against it because we felt we would not be able to perform at our normal 110% effort. Therefore, we have decided to wait until our shop is fully restored before reopening. With that said, we are taking calls, offering advice, handling simple repairs, and are able to direct you to a trusted mechanic if we cannot service it ourselves. We are so thankful to all of you who ha ... read more
Posted on 8/2/2017
Monday, July 31, 2017 Happy Monday Everyone, We are making good progress getting the shop back up, but it is going to a while still. We have been working constantly with our amazing contractors and construction crews on getting the repairs to the shop performed. We also have been planning many ideas to make your future visits to us here at D&K Automotive even better than before. Areas like redesigning the shop layout as well as adding some additional service bays/racks to be able to get any repairs or maintenance services completed more efficiently on your vehicles. I would also like to ask if any of you have ideas or suggestions please reach out to us as your input is very important to us here at D&K Automotive. Thank you all so much again for the kind words we have been receiving and I can’t wait to talk to you all again. Sincerely. Paul Psik Service Advisor D&K Automotive
Posted on 7/12/2017

To our Friends and Clients, It has been almost 2 weeks since an after-hours fire devastated our business, and although we are making progress towards reopening, it is slow going. The fire was primarily contained in one vehicle, the vehicle that started this all, but the smoke and heat damage to the building was extensive and that is where most the time is involved. Between inspections by the Fire Department, PG&E, Electrical contractor and such, this appears to be an approx. 90 day process and that puts us reopening around the end of October. At this point it looks like all of our employees are staying on with us, their loyalty & dedication is greatly appreciated by myself and my family. And from what we are being told, the building will be better than ever after the contractors are done with it, so that is good news at almost every level from this tragedy. Our sincere hope is that you can hold out with us throughout this process as we look forward to once a ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2017

We have a customer story we want to share with the world. One of our most loyal customers, Isaac Moses, always brings his vehicles to D&K Automotive Repair. Recently, he brought in two of his vehicles for major repair, which, we admit, had a hefty price tag. When Isaac started coming to our shop, we issued him a Customer Loyalty Card, like we do for all of our customers. This Customer Loyalty Card gives each customer 2% back on all services to be used on future services at D&K Automotive Repair. Now that you understand some background, here’s the review Isaac gave us: When we received this review, we paid attention. First, we love Isaac and value his feedback. Though it never hurts to ask, it is not possible for us to reduce our hourly rate for volume discounts. But it made us think about listening to our customers and doing what we can to meet their requests. As a result, we reminded that Isaac that he was racking up 2% back wit ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2017

In the spirit of Father’s Day, some of us at D&K Automotive recalled some of our favorite gifts we’ve received, given, or would like to have received on Father’s Day to put together a brief list of some awesome options for Father’s Day gifts. “What I Love About Dad” Book This is a great gift option for little kids in first or second grade and just learning how to write. With Mom or another family member’s help, the kids can fill it out together and give a heartfelt gift to their father that time stamps what the kids love about their Dad. “Dad’s Playbook” If this so happens to be their first ever Father’s Day, this motivational book might be a nice gesture.   ... read more